Collaborative robots are programmable mechanical devices that simulate the functions of a human arm. They are connected by joints that allow them to rotate or move or move translationally.
To date, collaborative robots are irreplaceable as they improve and take manufacturing to a higher level. They carry out a specific task or job quickly, efficiently and with extreme precision in the modern production process, adapting to diverse working environments.
The first research into robotic arms dates back to the 1940s, when the Argonne and Oak Ridge National Laboratories in the US used remote robotic arms to process radioactive materials. After seventy years of development, robotic arms have become one of the most common mechanical devices used for cutting, assembling, palletizing, spraying and in other occasions, medical surgery, aerospace exploration, military reconnaissance, etc.
Unlike the industrial robots we are used to seeing, COBO-TECH is a collaborative arm with a light and compact design, made to work alongside the operator. It can be shaped into a multitude of forms, in fact, once programmed it can adapt to advanced scenarios and practical applications alike.
Unlike the industrial robots we are used to seeing, COBO-TECH is a collaborative arm with a light and compact design, made to work alongside the operator. It can be shaped into a multitude of forms, in fact, once programmed it can adapt to advanced scenarios and practical applications alike.
Fill out the form and contact us to find out how we can integrate COBO-TECH with your industrial machines.